Presentations for NodeSchool Cleveland

Introduction to the learnyounode workshop as part of NodeSchool.

Node.js achieves its performance through the use of asynchronous I/O. Although this is terrific for performance, asynchronous code can be very difficult for programmers to manage. As a result, developers often have to write a lot of code that obscures the intent and valuable time is lost debugging obscure problems.

JavaScript is a great language to use when dealing with asynchronicity. With the recent addition of promises, that story gets even better, because they make asynchronous code composable. Work through this workshopper to find out how.


A quick introduction to Lodash. Lodash makes JavaScript easier by taking the hassle out of working with arrays, numbers, objects, strings, etc.


An introduction to Facebook's React. React is a Javscript library for building lightweight UI components.

Learn how to use the terminal and write your first Bash script.

This workshopper is based on the bash-handbook.


A crash course on the OpenGL Shader Language and WebGL.


Master JavaScript prototypal inheritance. Once you complete this workshopper, you will understand how to use prototypal inheritance and how to setup your own prototype chains using JavaScript's provided functions or by writing your own constructor functions.

Lambdas, Step Functions, and CloudFront - oh my! The sheer number of services offered by AWS can make it difficult to figure out how to get started, much less how to stitch together a cohesive solution. In this talk, Kyle McKee will give a practical introduction to building "serverless" web applications using AWS. Bring a laptop with Node 4 or higher and an AWS account if you'd like to play along.

Learn about the Hapi.js framework and how we, the development team at Dealer Tire, utilize Hapi to support over $1.5 billion in annual online revenue. You will be introduced to Hapi.js plugins and how to use them to decouple individual pieces of application logic and manage them as typical dependencies through a private NPM repository. There will be working examples to hack on and discuss.

The dictionary definition of TypeScript is "a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing." That mathematical description of the language, however, doesn't tell the full truth about many of TypeScript's advantages. Come hear about the motivations behind TypeScript, its features, and (most importantly) how TypeScript may be able to make you a more productive developer.